– Our Economics At Your Palm (2024)

Are you wondering if you have missed out on investing in real estate? Well, be assured that you haven’t missed out on anything.

2023 might have experienced a significant increase in the value of real estate but 2024 will likely be better.

Real estate is one of the Industries that increases in value over time. 2024 promises to be a great year for real estate investors. Currently, the demand for real estate is relatively high as there are more buyers and fewer houses.

One of the most important reasons why 2024 is the best time to invest in real estate is that you can easily meet up with the current housing trends.

As a 2024 real estate investor, you have the upper hand over the investors of previous years. How is this possible? The building standards of the previous years are different from the present standards.

It is difficult to find buyers for out-of-trend buildings as the year goes by. As a 2024 real estate investor you are likely to buy and sell modern buildings with ease.

Real estate investments likely to produce high returns in 2024

If you are wondering about the best real estate investment to make in 2024, here are some ideas.

Commercial real estate

Commercial real estate refers to properties used for business purposes. Many advantages come with commercial real estate, as this makes it a good investment for 2024.

Investing in commercial real estate involves the following;

  • Low risk
  • It is reliable
  • It produces high returns
  • It can be easily improved
  • It costs less than investing in residential real estate

Real estate investment trusts (REITs)

This is a great option for first-time investors. It is less expensive, and it comes with low risk too. Real estate investment trusts refer to companies that are into commercial real estate. Examples of these commercial real estate are; hotels, complexes, warehouses, office buildings, Mall, etc.

Investing in REITs is quite easy, all you need to do is buy shares in these companies on the stock exchange. REITs offer significant dividends yearly, and that’s how you make your money. The good thing is you can maintain a long-term investment, and you can always sell your shares whenever you want.


Flipping a house simply refers to buying a house with low value, to fix it up and resell it at a higher price.

For example, you can convince a seller to sell a fire damaged property to you at a very low cost, you can then proceed to fix the house, and resell it at a higher price.

As simple as this sounds, it is no easy task, and it requires a lot of care and process.

  1. Firstly you need to ensure that the impact of the fire damage is not so intense.
  2. Secondly, be careful not to overspend, to avoid cutting profit.
  3. Thirdly, try not to waste so much time during renovation.
  4. Lastly, the building has to meet up to the state’s building codes.

With all this in mind, you are set to make a profit in the real estate market in 2024.

Raw land investment

This is also a very good real estate idea for 2024. You can either decide to buy raw land and resell it when the value appreciates, or buy and build on the land. While the first option is great, the second option is more rewarding.

The real estate market has experienced significant evolution over the years. Most people now prefer modern, sustainable buildings.

Some of the available real estate is not as modernized as it should be in 2024. When you buy raw land, you can build it according to the standards of the latest modern buildings.

Factors to consider before investing in real estate in 2024

  • Your budget: Try not to go above your budget when investing in real estate in 2024. Your budget should serve as a guide for the property to invest. When creating a budget, always remember that the size of the budget can determine the type and value of your real estate investment
  • The type of property: When buying a property in 2024 you need to consider the type and structure of the property you’re paying for. 2024 represents a digital era, to succeed in the real estate aspect of the year, you need to go for modernized sustainable buildings.
  • The location of the property: This is a constant factor to consider at all times. The location of a property matters a lot in determining the value of the property. Ensure that the environment where the property is located is safe and accessible.


2024 will likely experience a higher value in real estate than the previous years. If you looking to get higher returns for your investment, you should consider investing in real estate in 2024.

Finally, there is no better time to invest in real estate than the present. – Our Economics At Your Palm (2024)


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