T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (2024)

T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (1)

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.^ecllcQl School


T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (2)

T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (3)


T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (4)

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T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (5)





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i^w."To study the phenomenom of disease

without books is to sail an uncharted sea,

while to study books without patients is

not to go to sea at all."

•Sir William Osier

T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (6)


H. Terry Levine


COPY EDITORPeter Simoneaux

LAYOUT STAFFJacqueline DeCayette

Personal Album Section Editor

"So You want to be a Doctor, eh?" Section

Dawn Gunter"So . . . You want to be a Doctor, eh?" Section

H. Terry Levine


History Section Editor

City Section Editor

Faculty and Administration Section Editor

"So You want to be a Doctor, eh?" Section

Robert LoGrecoPhotography Editor

"So - - You want to be a Doctor, eh?" Section

Activities Section

Personal Album Section

Peter SimoneauxCopy Editor

Senior Section Editor

City Section

"So . you want to be a Doctor, eh?" Section

Mike Whistler

Activity Section Editor

"So you want to be a Doctor, eh?" Section


Gary Donath

Ann F^rash

Mark Froimson

Dawn Gunter

H. Terry Levine

Robert LoGrecoDavid O'Donnell

Peter Simoneaux

Gary WassermanKirsti Weng

T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (7)

TABLE OF CONTENTSHistory Of Tulane Medical School 5

The Crescent City 10

Faculty and Administration 18

"So You Want To Be A Doctor, Eh?" 29

Personal Album 50

Seniors 54Activities 78

Sponsors 83

Where Do We Go From Here? 94

Special ThanksTo Bill Hopkins of Josten 's Publishing Company for bis expertise, counsel and

motivation. To Kathy Brooks for being our consultant.

To our generous sponsors who advertised in this publication and support Tulane

Medical School.

To Cindy and the entire Library staff who helped enormously with the History


To Alan Dufour for the long hours and quick service he provided with photogra-


To Floyd Domer who serves as our Faculty Advisor.

To Harley Ginsberg, the founder of the T-WA VE. who got us started in the very



T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (8)




"Chuck was one of the special people. One in that

group that you collect over a lifetime. One of the few

that mean everything to you. Chuck loved life, and

loved sharing it with friends. I'm really going to miss


- A Friend

T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (9)


Tulane University School Of Medicine - 1834

T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (10)

HISTORY OF TULANE MEDICAL SCHOOLTulane Medical School had its auspicious beginning as the Medical College of Louisiana in September 1834. Three brash young

medical men, all less than 26 years of age, initiated the beginning of medical education in Louisiana. They were Thomas Hunt, whowas to become the first dean of the medical school, Warren Stone and John Harrison. In addition to these three founders, the

faculty of the school consisted of four other local physicians: Augustus Cenas, Charles Luzenberg, T. R. Ingalls and E. B. Smith.

Dr. Thomas Hunt, Dean

1834 - 1835 and 1852 - 1862

Dr. John H. Harrison Dr. Warren Stone

Establishment of the school was metwith considerable opposition from the

Creoles, whose ideas concerning medical

education were based on the European

system which stressed academics well

grounded in the Latin and Greek classics.

The idea of providing medical education

without this foundation was utterly in-

comprehensible. Furthermore, the Cre-

oles regarded all American universities

with disdain and considered them hardly

on a par with the European universities.

When the medical school first openedits doors in January 1835, it became the

first medical school in the Deep South

and the fifteenth oldest in the country.

The Inaugural address was given by DeanHunt in the First Presbyterian Church. In

addition to this church, various other bor-

rowed quarters were used for lectures. Alecture room in the State House and

wards in Charity Hospital also served as

classrooms. These temporary facilities

were the only ones available for use dur-

ing the next several years, while the facul-

ty attempted to secure the necessary

funds for construction of a permanent

structure to house the fledgling school.

In 1836, the governor of the state at-

tempted to help the medical faculty ob-

tain funding for the erection of a school

building. A measure appropriating

$60,000 for this purpose was proposed

Eind passed by the Senate, but was defeat-

ed in the House. It was not until 1843that any definitive action was taken. OnMarch 22 of that year, a law was passed

permitting the medical faculty to erect a

building on a lot belonging to the state, on

Common Street between Baronne and

Dryades Streets. There were two condi-

tions attached to the law: first, the faculty

should donate their services to Charity

Hospital without pay for ten years and

second, that one student from each par-

ish would be admitted einnually to the

medical school for the next ten years.

The senator and representatives from

each parish were to name each candi-

date. The state also reserved the right to

reclaim all properties at the end of the

ten year period.

The fact that this bill gave the faculty

of the new school professional privileges

at Charity Hospitcil created an uproar

among the town's medical practitioners.

The opposition was based on the belief

that the medical school would be given a

monopoly over medicine and surgery at

Charity. When it was made clear that this

was not to be the case, the medical com-

munity joined together, resulting not only

in the best medical care the city had ever

seen, but also providing the school with a

clinical teaching hospital that was gradu-

ally evolving into one of the top such

facilities in the country.

Charity Hospital is credited with being

the first institution of its kind in the coun-

try, having been established in January

1736, almost 100 years prior to the

founding of the Medical College of Louisi-

ana. The hospital initially opened with a

total of five beds and served not only as a

hospital, but also as an asylum for the

indigent of the city. The original hospital

was located on a site in what is nowknown as the French Quarter and has

since occupied four other buildings, in-

cluding the present facility which was

opened in 1939. Throughout the early

1800's, Charity was one of the largest

hospitals in the world. It had the capabi-

lity of housing 1,000 patients, although

some patients were sleeping on pallets on

the floor or sleeping two to a bed. Inter-

estingly enough, it was said that "there

might be two patients to a bed, but they

each had the opportunity to take a hot

bath". At the present time, the number of

beds is given as 1,640. However, the lacki

of nursing personnel has forced the clo-

sure of several wards, resulting in an actu-

al number somewhat below this figure.

Meanwhile, having obtained legislative

approval for professional privileges at

Charity Hospital, the faculty immediately

set about drawing up plans for a building

to house the medical school. This building

T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (11)




"^Trr-\Vr «>e Wif^'v cTst'iK^ tO'Hrfilee theesmblishmrnt in Ihi

''^"JSpHjcal college Tho ;ontleinen wl)o fill ihachairo/>' .i.>*«or»hi;> are mon of «kill and experience, nnJ we-h.ip.ihat «» mSy noil)e iliouxht invulwuJ, wlien wo pamt i

piini^f!>ir to Wpssrs. Hw?iT, Inoalle nnd Lur.F.MBCao, will

H'.i '*^<»ni icqininlnnM i:i rmre extendj-J. The Iwo formeU''V"fojre o^IicLifed in a like c.ipacity in smular ina'iiu

cil-; pJSs, i»nl the latter h.is estibiiiliod a reputation in ourJ !j'.e''ii<{lie3t grade ns n siinjoon.

'Tht:f\ltfiXT\pr Friftul, wnoriin into by the Tom Jrffrmnn<;i'i>jite Lafayetti; on Saiurdjy, and Bunk; water up to tin

was estimated to cost $6000 and was not

completed until tiie end of 1843. In

1845, a Constitutional Convention speci-

fied that the Medical College of Louisiana

was to become the Medical Departmentof The University of Louisiana. Twoyears later, additional funds were appro-

priated to erect buildings for the new uni-

versity. The original building was re-

turned to the state to be used by the

newly established law department. Amuch larger building was erected adja-

cent to the original medical building for

use by the medical department.

At the time of its founding, the numberof medical students consisted of a grand

The New Orleans Charity Hospital

total of 11. From 1834 to 1859, the num-

ber of students grew from 11 to 276. Just

prior to the Civil War in 1861, the num-

ber of students increased dramatically to

404 because of political and sectional

hostility which induced Southern students

to abandon Northern Colleges. When the

war broke out, most students joined the

war effort in such numbers that, in 1862,

only 94 students were enrolled. Federal

occupation of New Orleans forced the

closure of the medical school later that


In the fall of 1865, the school re-

opened its doors with 185 students en-

rolling. However, because of the devasta-

tion wrought by the Civil War and the

subsequent reconstruction, the medical

school faced its most trying times. Theschool struggled financially for its very

existence until 1884, when the wealthy

New Orleans merchant Paul Tulane be-

queathed $1,250,000 for the establish-

ment of a university. The state legislature

then placed all departments of the Uni-

versity of Louisiana under the newly ren-

amed Tulane University of Louisiana.

This donation enabled Tulane to once

again assume front rank among American

medical schools.

By the early 1890's, rapid growth of

the medical school had established the

T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (12)

need for new facilities. In 1893, a newbuilding, the Richardson Memorial Build-

ing, was built on Canal Street to house

the medical school. Although this building

was heralded as one of the best equipped

medical buildings of its day, by 1907,

further expansion was needed. At this

time, Alexander Hutchinson bequeatheda large sum in memory of his wife Jose-

phine. This fund was used to construct a

new Richardson Building on what was to

become the Uptown Campus. This build-

ing would now house all preclinical de-

partments. Facilities of the old Richard-

son Building were enlarged for clinical

teaching purposes and the building wasrenamed the Josephine Hutchinson Me-morial.

Meanwhile the school was continuously

attempting to raise its standards. Whenthe medical school was initially founded,

the school year had lasted only four

months, and only two full courses of lec-

tures were required for graduation. Since

only one set of courses existed, the stu-

dents were expected to take the samelectures twice. Admission to lectures was

gained with a "ticket" purchased at a

price of $20. This was the sole means by

which the professors were paid. Addition-

al fees included a matriculation fee of $5

and a diploma fee of $30. Incidental ex-

penses included the purchase of two arms

for dissection at 25 cents each, and two

legs at 15 cents each. At this time, the

only requirement for admission was the

ability to finance one's education.

Graducilly, the annual sessions were

lengthened from the original four months

to four and one-half months in 1879, then

to six months in 1893. In later years, the

length of these sessions was further ex-

tended until it evolved into what it is to-

day. It was also in 1893 that an educa-

tional qualification for admission was first

required of all students. The minimumqualification for admission was a second

grade teacher's certificate of a superin-

tendent of education. Also, to further

strengthen educational standards, atten-

dance of three, instead of two, annual

sessions was required. In 1899, this was

lengthened to four obligatory sessions.

By the early 1900's, it became appar-

ent that a high degree of disparity existed

between different medical schools. In

1908, Abraham Flexner was selected by

the Carnegie Foundation to undertake an

analysis of the state of medical education.

He made a study of 155 American and

Canadian medical schools, beginning at

Tulane in the winter of 1908. Flexner

published his report in 1910, describing

shocking and deplorable conditions in

many medical schools. This opened the

eyes of the public and the medical com-

Class of 1910 in the Anatomy Lab

Classroom for bandage instruction


T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (13)

Josephine Hutchinson Memorial Building 1893 1930

munity such that the Flexner Report was,

in effect, an obituary for a great manymedical colleges. Within a few years al-

most half of the colleges had disap-

peared, mostly due to the adverse public-


Although Flexner found medical edu-

cation at Tulane far from ideal, he ranked

Tulane among the top three medical

schools of the South. Tulane's high rank-

ing was based on new and excellent labo-

ratory facilities, the teaching faculty, the

clinical availability of Charity Hospital,

and the post-graduate instruction pro-

vided by the New Orleans Polyclinic.

In 1913, Tulane reorganized the medi-

cal department to include the school of

pharmacy, the school of dentistry, the

school of medicine and the graduate

school of medicine. Today, only the latter

two schools remain as part of the present

school of medicine. In 1958, the division

of hygiene and tropical medicine was es-

tablished, which has since evolved into

the school of public health and tropical


The Josephine Hutchinson Memorial

Building on Canal Street continued to

house the clinical facilities of the medical

school for nearly forty years. However,

by the late 1920's, the building had be-

come crowded and obsolete. Funds were

provided for a new medical unit to be

built contiguous to Charity Hospital in

what is now the present location of the

medical school. When the building

opened in December 1930, it was ac-

claimed as the best medical teaching unit

in the South.

The preclinical departments, unfortu-

nately, were still located on the Uptown

campus. Nonetheless, it was acknowl-

edged that to provide the most enriching

medical environment possible, all four

years of medical education needed to be

consolidated on one campus. It was not,

however, until October of 1955 that a ten

story addition to the Hutchinson Memori-

al Building enabled the second year de-

partments to be moved downtown. This

left only the first year departments on the

Uptown campus, in 1963, further addi-

tions to the downtown facility were built

to house the first year departments, final-

ly enabling the medical school to reunify

its entire four classes in one building for

the first time since the early 1900's.

In 1969, the Tulane Medical Center

was established, an organizational struc-

ture which broadened Tulane's commit-

Tulane Medical School Uptown

ments to medical education, research and

patient care. The Tulane Medical Center

Hospital and Clinic, the first such univer-

sity hospital in Louisiana, was dedicated

in October 1976. This 300-bcd hospital

enabled Tulane to consolidate a wide

range of patient services in a tertiary care

environment, in the few short years since

its opening, it has become a major refer-

ral center for the region.

Since its founding 151 years ago as

The Medical College of Louisiana, Tulane

has undergone many changes. Several

buildings and locations have occupied

these buildings; so have federal troops

during the Civil War. There have been

periods of financial plenty, followed by

periods of financial drought. Throughout

the years, however, Tulane has always

striven to improve its standards of medi-

cal education so that today it is ranked

among the top medical schools in the

country, and perhaps the world. From its

meager beginnings in 1834 with 11 stu-

dents. The Tulane University School of

Medicine has gone on to confer a total of

12,433 medical degrees including those

conferred on the graduates of the Class

of 1985.

Charily Hospital 1939 Present Tulane University School of Medicine

T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (14)



An inseperable part of attending Tulane Medical

School for the last four years has been the

experience of living in New Orleans. When wewere sick of the smell of formaldehyde, or tired of

studying Micro, or freed after checkout rounds, it

was to the city surrounding the school that weturned for entertainment and diversion.

Much as learning medicine starts with anatomy,

so too does learning a city start with learning its

parts. We first became acquainted with the

Downtown area, which surrounds the medical

school. Like all of New Orleans, this is a diverse

area; the Superdome, Charity Hospital, One Shell

Square and Camp Street are all within its

boundaries. A little further away is the French

Quarter, full of bars, tourists, and occasionally

staggering medical students. Still further is the

Uptown area, where many of us have lived these

four years and where, at the undergraduate

campus, many of us started our association with


After learning the structure of the city, wemoved on to the way it functions. New Orleans,

like any organism, requires food to survive.

However, food in New Orleans can vary from the

ridiculous to the sublime. How many of us have

ever tested our GI tracts with a Lucky Dog in the

Quarter? Who will forget the traditional Red Beans

and Rice on Monday, or the ubiquitous Popeye's

Fried Chicken (guaranteed to make your rectum

stand up and take notice)? On the other hand,

there are Antoine's and Galatoire's and

Commander's Palace, where we celebrated our

continued success at passing tests.

Another of New Orlean's ever present

diversions is its music. Here again, the city

displays its diversity. During the Symphony season,

classical music could be heard in the Orpheum (or

the pathology lab if Dr. Johnson's tape recorder

was working). Alternatively, there is a lively

popular music scene, with soul, rock and roll, andcountry and western - for instance, the famousAvogadro and the Moles. Jazz is to be heard

thoughout the French Quarter and, in the Spring,

at the Jazz and Heritage Festival.

Speaking of Festivals, there is that ultimate

Festival, Mardi Gras. This probably ranks as the

most significant distraction and entertainment NewOrleans has to offer. Following an ancient pagantradition, the city and its inhabitants welcome the

return of Spring with the largest outpouring of

bacchanalian revelry since the lions met the

Christians. Nowadays, of course, little humansacrifice goes on; but medical students can often

be found sacrificing their studies for a good time.

Furthermore, they will frequently be heard to call

out to the local female deities to display their

bountiful charms to the worshipful crowds below(cill in good fun, of course).

For all the many problems New Orleans has. it

has as many attractions, not the least of which is

Tulane Medical School. For those of you wholeave New Orleans to practice elsewhere, we hopeyou remember it well; and, if you can find the

time, come back to visit "The Big Easy". If not, a

simple "Throw me somthin' Mister" on Fat

Tuesday will suffice.

T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (15)


T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (16)



T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (17)



T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (18)



T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (19)



T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (20)


51 Hr* ..t***fit BirfltV


T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (21)



T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (22)




T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (23)

Stanford Emerson Chaille Dean 1885- 1908


T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (24)

Eamon Kelly, Ph.D.

President of Tulane University

John J. Walsh, M.D.

Chancellor of Tulane Medical Center

James T. Hamlin III, M.D.

Dean of Tulane Medical School

David E. Smith, M.D.

Associate Dean of Academic Affairs


T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (25)

Wallace K. Tomlinson, M.D.

Assistant Dean of Student Affairs


Secretaries: Left to Right: Standing: Elaine Mmahat, Myrna Remain, Carol Gaudet.Sitting: Melinda Smiley.


Secretaries: Left to right: Rosalyn Marshall. Wendy Theard. Kathy Muller, GayleSayas, Laura Barton

W. Clifford Newman. Jr.. Ph.D.

Associate Dean and Director of Admissions


T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (26)

ANATOMYRobert D. Yates, Ph.D., Chairman

Left to right: Standing: C. Knox, J. Mascorro, M. Anderson, G. Kirby, J. Jeter, I. Chen. Sitting; E. Peebles, R.

Yates, L. Walker, M.R. Vaupel. Absent: J. Weber, P. Moore, M. Miller

BIOCHEMISTRYRune L. Stjernholm, Ph.D., Chairman

22Left to right: Standing: W. Baricos, S. Li, M. Stanfield, R. Steele. Sitting: W. Cohen, Y. Li, J. Muldrey, R. Stjernholm, E. Hamori.Absent: M. Ehrlich

T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (27)

PHYSIOLOGYNicholas R. DiLuzio, Ph.D., Chairman

Left to right: Standing J. Lymangrover, R. Lowe, L. Feigen, N. Kreisman. Sitting: M. Evanich, N.R. DiLuzio. L.

Wade. Absent: W.C. Newman, J. Pisano, M. Walters, E. Dudek.


to right; J Domer. E. Johnson. M. Johnson, G Domingue. A, A. Gottleib. W. Pierce,

•layeux, K. Anderson, C. Cohen. Absent: J. Clements. R. Garry. L. Henderson. L.


J.H Esslingcr. R G Yaeger.


T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (28)


PATHOLOGYNorton A. Johnson, M.D., Chairman

Left to right: Standing: D.E. Smith, N. Wang, H. Johnson, P. Daroca, N. Schor, G. Leonard, N. Dhurandhar.

Sitting: C. Green, M. Blitzer, W. Sternberg, J.C. Harkin, T. Koerner, P. Walker, E. Shapira. Absent: B. Bliss, CDunlap, B. Harris, S. Covington, I. Overby, W. Watzinger.

PHARMACOLOGYJames W. Fisher, Ph.D., Chairman



\'fe>» 1%

Left to right: First Row: P. Kadowitz, A. Hyman, A. Segaloff, J. Fisher, P. Guth, F. Domer. Second Row: W. George, K.Agrawal, L. Ignarro, D. McNamara, J. Lertora, V. Krishnamurty, M.K. Carter. Third Row: M. Spirtes, C. Norris, M. Belagu, C.Gruetter, D. Gruetter, B. Beckman, E. Spannhake. Absent: A. Rege.



T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (29)

OB/GYNMartin L. Pernoll, M.D., Chairman

RADIOLOGYCharles M. Nice, M.D., Chairman

Left to right: Sitting: ML. Pernoll. P. Moore. C. Weinberg. Standing: M.

Biswas. B.C. Mabie. M. Moorehead. H.W.K. Batson. Absent: A.

Clemetson. S. Degefu. AG. O'Quinn, J. Witty. \. Thorneycroft, D.

Barnard. J. Weed.

Left to right: Standing: C. Simon. R. Campeau. J. Smith. J. Keating, F.

Puyau. A. Frost. Sitting: K. Adams. C. Nice, J. Stangle. W. Plauche.

PEDIATRICSJohn E. Lewy, M.D., Chairman


Left to right: First Row: N Halsey. W. Gill, D. Africk, J. Lewy. S. Sharma, H.

Woody, N Woody Second Row: F. Boineau, R. Baliga, G. Rabalais, G. Bisset. J

Kanga. M DeVoe, R. Hopkins, S Osofsky. Third Row: N. Henly. C. Butts. R.

Kumar. G. Mercado. H.E. Stevenson. R. Hawk. K. Perrin. C. Trujullo. J. Frentz.

Fourth Row: P. Ivy. R. Russell. M, Zutter. S. Solis, V. Jameson. E. Quinones. L.

Mason. S. Hirschfeld. K. Bui. C Craft Fifth Row: B. Maddern. P Davis. R.

Beckerman. H Ginsberg. P. Zenker. B Bromberg, A. Johnson. S Sarodi. M.

Blitzer Absent: D. Burgess. 1. Cohen. H Doucel. K. Knight. K. Ohene-

Frempong. M. Smith, N. Waring, W. Waring, W. Pinsky. F. Puyau.


ft to right: A. Epstein. V, Purvin. M. Wilensky. S. Trufant. J.B. Green. D. Dunn,

Weisberg. M. Wall Absent: G Kader, P Sarala. A. Stazio.

Left to right: First Row: J.B. Green, T. Bennett, D. Gallant, J Daruna, C.

Legg. M Block. S Willard. R. Mercille. S. Danahy. Second Row: D. Mielke.

G. Daul. J. Fctzer. D. Franklin. H. Miles. L. Robinson. P. Griffin. D. Win- 75

stead, J. Gay

T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (30)


SURGERYWatts R. Webb, M.D., Chairman

Left to right: First Row: N. McSwain, M. Litwin, R. Nichols, W. R. Webb, E.

Kremetz. R. Ryan, C. Sutherland, P. Moulder. Second Row: Ashercarey,

Gansar, W. Hagan, Lirtzman, Henry, W. Browder, J. Muchmore, J. Kelly.

Third Row: Vitenas, Cole, Mastoukas, Hardin, Vercimak, Jones, Chaney, S.

Theodorakis. Fourth Row: Healy, Sparrow, Indeck, Bratton, Tibbs, Floyd,

Day, Dale. Absent: M. Adinolfi, R. Brunswick, D. Carter, P. Hendel, J.

Hussey, J. Jones, M. Kerstein, P. Moynihan, R. O'Connell, D. Rush.

MEDICINEJohn Salvaggio, M.D., Chairman

IMMUNOLOGY: First Row: J. Salvaggio, Nordburg, J. Morgan. N.J. Doll. Second Row:

R. deShazo, B. Bozelkz. B. Butcher. Absent: D. Boulware, C. Daul, S. Derbes, M. Lopez,

N. Waring.


CARDIOLOGY: First Row: A. Quiroz, J. Phillips, R. Mautner,

Levy, R. Koepke. Absent: S. Ahmad, G. Burch, R. Dillenkoffer, T.

F.G. McMahon, C. Thorpe Ray, G. Sander, W. Smith.

Second Row: T.|

Giles, F.A. Puyau,

T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (31)

NEPHROLOGY: Seated: S.V. Shah, J. Wallin. W. O'Neil. Standing: G.

Bailey, E. Carvajal. Absent: S. Bergman, K. Krane.

' in

HEMATOLOGY: Front Row: G. Beltran. A. Hendricks. Back Row: W.F.

ituckey, L. Thomas, W.A. Andes.


'^ 7f

GASTROENTEROLOGY: Seated: K AkdamarStanding: N. Agrawal, T. Ertan. Absent; T. Godiwala.



DERMATOLOGY: W Galen, L. Millikan, L Gately. Absent: J. Storer. D.


ENDOCRINOLOGY: Seated: K Rives, A Kastin Standing: W. Banks, A.

ComaruSchally, P. Prosser. C Bowers. Absent: A. Schally, A. Ruiz. M Lueg,

J. Frentz.

GENERAL INTERNAL MEDICINE: W LaCorte. C. Cefalu, E. Chapilal. F

Chirino, C. Haddad. J.T. Hamlin III, G, Karcioglu, R. Larimer. D. Penlck, S.

rhreefoot, J.J. Walsh.

INFECTIOUS DISEASE: N Hyslop, W. Mogabgab, B. Hanna, P. Pate.

RHEUMATOLOGY: Left to right: N J Doll, O Gum. R deShazo Absent:

D. Boulware. S. Derbes.


i •JPULMONARY: Left to right: D. Hendrick. R. Jones. H. Weill. D. Qlilhorpe.

D. Banks. E Sayegh. H W Barkman Absent: C. Ramirez. 27

T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (32)

THE LIBRARY: 150 YEARS OF SERVICEThe orgin of the Matas Medical

Library dates from the founding of the

Medical College of Louisiana in 1834.

First mention of the Library occured in

the faculty minutes in 1844. The first

librarian was appointed by the Dean in

1896. Two library directors, Miss MaryLouise Marshall and Mr. William

Postell, were recipients of the NoyesAward, the highest honor bestowed bythe Medical Library Association. In

1895, Dr. Rudolph Matas, a brilliant

surgeon, began his long history of

generosity to the Library which

culminated in a large endowment fromhis estate in 1959. The Library hadbeen named in his honor in 1937.

Other endowments from which the

Library benefits are those from the

estates or families of Maurice Stern,

Isaac Lemann, Louis Burgess, JamesKenny, Hermann Gessner, and EvaWeinstein.

Significant collections acqured by the

Library over the past century include

those of: the Louisiana Medical Library

Association, 1889, the New Orleans

Polyclinic, 1904; Charity Hospital,

1905; the Orleans Parish Medical

Society, 1928 and 1959; the Louisiana

State Board of Health, 1976; the

Louisiana State Medical Society

Oournals); Dr. Bernard Weinstein

(medical fiction); Dr. Elizabeth Bass

Library Staff: (left to right) W.D. Postell, Jr., P. Copeland, M. Covington, C. Ross, M. Rennie, C.Goldstein, A. Holliday, A. Elliott, K. Bertel, M. Moore, S. Tadlock, R. Simms, D. Jacob K Puglia AWills

(women in medicine); and Dr. Marcus

Feingold (ophthalmology).

The first reclassification of

monographs began in 1943, and the

second in 1960. The library area

doubled in 1963 with the completion of

the Burthe-Cottam Building. Teletype

was applid to interlibrary loans in

1968. Online database searching wasinitiated in 1973. The Library wasextensively renovated, refurnished, and

centrally air-conditioned in 1978.

Circulation and cataloging systems

were automated in 1983.

For 150 years, the medical library

has served the faculty, staff and

students of the medical school. Its vast

amount of resources has continued to

be a major source of medical

information and reference. The Library

will faithfully carry on this tradition as

long as the medical school exists.

28One of the many studious medical students who frequent the Library Dr. Rudolph Matas 18601957

T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (33)


T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (34)




"This diagram should simplify things"

Guess who?

John responds to Dr. Wallin's statement i|

Dr. Vaupel discusses the meaning of life I

T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (35)

"Beam me up. Scotty!' "That's cither mitral Insufficiency or the Radiators"31

T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (36)

Rock-a-bye baby

on the teetop

when the wind blows the cradle will rock


T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (37)


when the bough breaks


and down will come baby

the cradle will fall

cradle and al


T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (38)


34"Of course, I prefer my frog legs rare

T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (39)

Hev Sailor! New in town?"

T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (40)

T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (41)

T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (42)

"Hell! I can hear his murmur from here!"

T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (43)

"How many times do I have to tell you that you don't haue to document B.M.'s"

^ ^k"Stop calling me Da-Da!"

Pj;,vc* ^ Desk

'Nuf said

i _^-^,..v#^.4k^A

"So this Is a valsalva maneuver"39

T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (44)


"I just love those little babies!"

f» - 1^


J 1 Tz «sr

"1 knew I shouldn't have used that meal ticket.'

"Hey - How do we get the elevator to stop here?"


T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (45)

"His potassium Is what?!?'

T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (46)

'Nuff said Hey Byron where's the beef? "Do what for a high pass?!' I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay

42Sam Goldenberg, c'mon down! "Mommas, don't let your babies grow up to be doctors

T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (47)


^ >Another night of OB call How, Kemo sabe. So is it Jorge or George?

Mmmrti, mighty good banana.


Now. c'mon guys Don't you think this urine tastes sweet? Hi, Charlie!



Mystery Profile #8 One, two, three and one, two Of course, when I become Dean So you're sure Patrice won't mind?

Another nutritious meal in the Tulane cafeteria"I bet you've never seen one that looked like that before!'


T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (48)

^t^ ^^


f^ 1 ^flt*^


pd< ^^j

*1 Sli-r > /M6(Z.e

T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (49)

Another beautiful morning at 5 AM.

Boy, these are funny!

1.0 Cr^.

e^ ^/ 'embryo



THINGS TO DO WITH A DISSECTED CADAVERYI Take it home and use it as a doorstop.2. Take it home and use it to keep nosy neighborsand unwelcome relatives away.3. Take it to dinner and assure yourself of a tableat even the most popular restarants on any weekendnight.U. Cut off the head, carry it in a bag, and takeit out when accosted by muggers wanting money.5. Photograph your cadaver and send copies to thegovernment's main witness against your uncle Vitowith a note saying that this is what will happen tohim if he testifies.6) Clean the vertebrae, string them together, andmake a lovely necklace for your sweetheart.7) Cut the arm off, bring it with you to the theaterand surprise people several rows up by tapping ontheir shoulders.8)Clean the tibia, hollow it and make holes alongits length to create a genuine prehistoric flute.9) Cut the arm off and use it as a back scratcher.10) If fortune frowned on you last semester, saveyour cadaver and use it for home review when youretake gross over the summer.


T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (50)

A Reading From The Book Of Episiotomy

Chapter 5, Vv. 3-0 To 6-0 Chromic.

And the LORD spake unto Neohom*o, who was called Kliph, saying unto him:

"Gather ye my CHOSEN, who shall number sevenscore and eight, that you might

instructeth them in the ways of healing. Bring them to this place that I have appointed,

which place shall henceforth be called Toolain, meaning 'the appointed place'. Gather

them from all the leind; yea, verily, even from the furtherst hinterlands, Kali-phonya

and Nyauk, so that they might hear the words of healing."

And Kliph did as the LORD instructed, bringing unto Toolain the best and brightest,

that they might learn the healing arts. And when he had gathered together the

CHOSEN, Kliph called out unto the LORD, saying, "Oh LORD, 1 have done as thou

hast commanded me. Mightily have I struggled, thy wish to fulfill. See thou, I have

brought Greeks, and Abrahams, and workers of gold; verily have I striven to bring a

diverse class hereunto."

And the LORD spake unto Kliph, saying unto him, "Thou hast indeed fulfilled mywishes. Oh Kliph; and I am mightily pleased with thy handiwork, although I see ill for

this one who smiths gold. Nevertheless, thou hast done a good job, and as reward

therefor, thou shalt henceforth be called Assistant Dean of Admissions, despite the

obvious anachronism. Know thou that I shall test these, my CHOSEN, mightily, lest

they fall from the ways of grace. Many hardships and tribulations shall they endure,

and often shall they be tested, yea, to start with shall they be tested after each Sabbath,

with rare exceptions. Great shall be the knowledge they will learn, and it won't be easy,

let me tell thee. And know thou that they shall be tested even after graduation, and

afflicted with insurance agents and other such foul creatures, yet insolong as they

follow my law, so long shall they prevail."

And the LORD began the testing of the CHOSEN. And the first plague that He sent

upon them was the fiend Anatomie. And yet the people prevailed against Anatomie,

stuffing their minds full of useless trivia; so much so, that the one called Abrahambecame upset, shouting forth his wrath to the CHOSEN. Fortunately, they ignored

him. Others of the CHOSEN reacted to this volume of information more strangely;

some by embelishing class notes, others by publishing poor attempts at humorousnewspapers. And often did these attempts fail.

And during this time there rose up among the CHOSEN two great leaders, who werecalled El-Alwa and Hojes, the one a binder of packages and the other a davis

respectively. And they took upon themselves the task of organizing a great celebration

for the CHOSEN, to commemorate the victory over the fiend Anatomie. And mightily

did the CHOSEN celebrate this victory, despite the bad music. And the LORD sawthese celebrations, and He chuckled, saying unto Kliph, "They still don't realize what

they've gotten themselves into, do they, Kliph?" And Kliph replied, "No, my LORD."And yet, despite their ignoreince (or perhaps because of it), the CHOSEN prospered,

and continued to learn the arts of the healer, as the LORD wished. And as the LORDhad foreseen, he who smithed gold fared poorly, and was lost to the CHOSEN; and so

too were many others, who also fared poorly (though not as poorly as the smith).


T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (51)

And the CHOSEN continued in their struggle, and the LORD continued His testing

thereof. Truly did he test them, sending upon them the plague Biokemm. And yet even

this did the CHOSEN master, despite lectures on all variety of flora like mushrooms.

And in this time did the Levite, called Terry, set about the task of chronicling the

adventures of the CHOSEN.And the LORD continued the testing of his PEOPLE, with the plagues Paath and

Phaarm and Peedee. And He sent upon the CHOSEN the monsters Djonsun, who

knew much of famous dead physicians, and Doam-a, who knew much of unknown dead

words. And when the CHOSEN had bested these trials, the LORD spoke unto them,

saying, "Verily dost thou, my CHOSEN, walk in the paths of righteousness, and follow

my teaching. And therefore shall I send thee my greatest trial".

And then began the year of greatest toil and labor and deliveries, called the Junior

Year for reasons now lost. And the CHOSEN were afflicted with the most horrible of

all the plagues wherewith the LORD tested them, which plague he called SKUTT. And

the LORD afflicted them with boils, and vesicles, and maculopapular eruptions, and

lumbago, and dropsy, cind consumption, and pleurisy; and He sent against them all

manner of vicious creatures; terns, and tigers of Elisu, and crabs, and red snappers,

and trolls, and Roaches, and sloths who operated terrible machines to carry people up

and down but would never stop for the CHOSEN, and verily even did the Lord send

chief residents to plague the PEOPLE, and the Big Beeper, and the Big sneeze, and the

Upper Motor Neurons, and even these the CHOSEN vanquished.

And at the end of the year, the LORD said

unto the CHOSEN, "Now mayest thou rest, for

truly hast thou struggled and overcome the Tri-

als 1 have sent upon you. And now truly art thou

studs. Go forth, and celebrate this victory; makemerry, and frolick thou one year, because the

hard part comes next. For at the end of that

year, truly shalt thou enter into the very valley

of the shadow of Death; and as you know, val-

leys are between hills, and we all know what

rolls down hills".

And the CHOSEN did as the LORD com-

manded, celebrating for one year and sloughing

off their work, for truly were they Senior studs

now. And although they thought about the tribu- ^^lations to come, they didn't think about them ? ^^mi^^^J^^ySStoo much, for why spoil a good time?

So endeth this reading from the chronicles of

the CHOSEN of 1985.


T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (52)

Yes Cliff . . .

Quite A Unique Class

Brock and Hodges discussing the benefits of autoproctos-


You Too Can Speak The Charity Lingo . . .

Match With The Correct Answer:

1. Cadillacs of the eyes a. Tuberculosis

2. Contrapsion of my utricus b. Atrial flutter

3. High Blood c. Clots

4. De roaches of de liver d. Rheumatic heart disease

5. Sick as hell anemia e. High blood pressure

6. Sugar f. Sickle cell anemia

7. Very close veins g. Suppositories

8. Bad blood h. Diabetes Mellitus

9. Chickenpops i. Fibroid tumors of the uterus

10. Fireballs in my Virginia j. Prescriptions

11. Running rains/Gleet k. Cirrhosis

12. Romantic Heart disease 1. Chickenpox

13. Smilin' mighty Jesus m. Gonorrhea

14. Pacifies n. Varicose veins

15. Adrian flutter o. Jaundice

16. Teknus p. Phlebitis

17. Attack acordia q. Bleeding from the vagin*

18. Two buffalos in the lung r. Spinal meningitis

19. Subscriptions s. Cataracts

20. Bleeding from the pajamas t. Contractions of the uterus

21. Clogs u. Syphilis

22. Fleabites V. Tetanus

23. Yellow blood w. Tachycardia

24. Tacky cards

25. Deposits

26. Two by fours of the lung

KEY: 1-s, 2-t, 3-e, 4-k, 5-f, 6-h, 7-n. 8-u 9-1, 10-i, 11-m, 12-d, 13-r, 14-u. 15-b,

16-v. 17-w, 18-a, 19-j, 20-q, 21-c, 22-p, 23-0, 24-w, 25-g, 26-a.

Foist we hit 'em wit de bat, den we put 'em in de pot

Suppressed desire?

T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (53)

ANN!/ U,™, Dp.RoMEO/



Just one wild and crazy guy!

T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (54)


Kelly, Sara and Michael

Kyle and Kathy

T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (55)

Jackie and Her Family

Terry and Paula

Joy and Michael

Steve and Linn

Mike and Patrice

T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (56)

Little Mariko

Norene and her Parents



BUI and his Dad


Tami and Peter with friends

T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (57)


;'; :^ ^««*ib5-A !?C3*I^if.*^V^

/?o6 ivrt/j his Dad

Dan examines his friend Hal

Most Popular Couple

The Tucker Clan

T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (58)


THE OATH OFI do solemnly swear by whatever I

hold most sacred, that I will be loyal

to the profession of medicine and

just and generous to its members.

That I will lead my life and

practice my Art in uprightness and


That into whatsoever home I shall

enter it shall be for the good of the

sick and the well to the utmost of

my power, and that I will hold

myself aloof from wrong and from

corruption and from tempting of

others to vice.

That I will exercise my Art, solely

T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (59)

HIPPOCRATESfor the cure of my patients and the

prevention of disease and will give

no drug and perform no operation

for a criminal purpose and far less

suggest such a thing.

That whatsoever I shall see or

hear of the lives of men which is not

fitting to be spoken, I will keep

inviolably secret.

These things I do promise and in

proportion as I am faithful to this

oath, may happiness and goodrepute be ever mine, the opposite if

I shall be forsworn.

T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (60)

Jeffrey Lynn Allyn

Greeley, IowaJerome Jiro Arimura

New Orleans, Louisiana

Cynthia Steffensen Bailey

Richmond, California


Michael Andre Basnight

Palos Verdes Estates, California

Ivan Ricardo Battle

Dominiccin Republic

Daniel Alfred Beals

Knoxville, Tennessee


T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (61)

Mary Jane Benson

Cummings, Georgia

Stanley Michael Bienasz

Chicago, Illinois

Nancy Lee Blumstein

Los Angeles, California

Martha Tucker Brou

Abilene, Texas

T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (62)

Josephine Schumacher BrownNew Orleans, Louisiana

Stephen David BrownHomewood, Alabama

Charles Kasriel BrumNew Orleans, Louisiana

Patrick Wayne CobbRuston, Louisiana

Jonathan Louis CohenGretna, Louisiana

Joy Esther CohenAtlanta, Georgia


T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (63)

Seth Joseph CohenHuntington Valley, Pennsylvania

Karen Elizabeth Crabtree

New Orleans, Louisiana

Howard Douglas Cooper

San Leandro, California

Louis Howard CoxOklahoma City, Oklahoma

Donna Lisa CuneoNew Orleans, Louisiana

Sarah Webb Dalesandro

New Orleans, Louisiana

Nestor Felipe Dans

New Orleans. Louisiana


T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (64)

William Hodges Davis

Lafayette, Louisiana

Jacqueline Ida DeCayette

Los Angeles, California

Jonathan Nelson Degnan

New Orleans, Louisiana

Michael John Diaz

North Biloxi, Mississippi

Jon Alan Dickinson

Woodside, California

Gary Andrew Dildy III

New Orleans, Louisiana


T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (65)

Gary Robert Donath

Miami, Florida

Kathleen Marie Eggert

Deerfield, Illinois


Elaine Ann DonoghueElberon, New Jersey

Stanley David Drake

Memphis, Tennessee


T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (66)

/^mByron Dean Elliot

Moscow, Idaho

Robert Stewart EnelowNew Orleans, Louisiana

Ann Elizabeth Farash

Port Washington, New YorkJohn Cecil Floyd

Rome, Georgia

Nona Kathryn Epstein

New Orleans, Louisiana

Steven Franklin FreedmanPlattsburgh, New York

Mark Ian Froimson

Shaker Heights, Ohio


T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (67)

Randi Adolph Galli

Sutter Creek. California

Javier Garcia-Bengochea

Gainsville, Florida

Kelly Robert Gardner

Provo, Utah

Gregory Paul GexNew Orleans, Louisiana

John Newkirk Giesel

Louisville, Kentucky

Samuel Finkel Goldenberg

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (68)

Dickran Harry Gulesserian

Saratoga, California

Dawn Ellen Gunter

Santa Rosa, California

Stephen Thornton HamptonNew Orleans, Louisiana


T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (69)

Terry Alan Harrison

Memphis, Tennessee

Daniel Fredrick Haynes

Carlsbad, New Mexico

Nan Victoria Heard

La Mesa, California

Clifford Alva Hendricks 111

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Bruce Anthony Hines

New Orleans, Louisiana

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Walter Ladson Hinton

La Selva Beach, Cedifornia

Howard Rhude Holaday, Jr.

Raleigh. North Carolina


T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (70)


John Daniel JackmanNew Orleans, Louisiana

Arlene Jean Jacobs

Miami, Florida

David Marc Kahlcr

Rancho Santa Fe, California


T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (71)

Kyle Matthew Kampman Gilo Kawasaki

Davis, California Slidcll, Louisiana

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Laura Leigh KayMiami, Florida

Kathryn Joyce Kershaw

Fayetteviile, North Carolina

Sarah Jestin Kilpatrick

Chicago, Illinois

Rhonda Fisher Kroll

Silver Springs, Maryland

Howard Terry Levine

Overland Park, Kansas


T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (72)

Jerry Thomas Light

Little Rock, Arkansas

John Thomas Lindsey

Washington, Georgia

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Robert G. LoGrecoDobbs Ferry, New York

Steven Kent Macheers

Wichita, Kansas

Creed Krikor Mamikunian

Beverly Hills, California

T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (73)

Jose Antonio Marquez

Lake Charles, Louisiana

Jorge Antonio Martinez

Patomac, Maryland

John Walker Melton

Henderson, Kentucky

Barney A. Mclntirc

Cut Off, Louisiana

Richard Wesley Miles

Orange Park, Florida

Donald Clarence Miller

Davis, California

David Weston Miner

Crawfordsville, Indiana


T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (74)

Scott Marti, lorrell

Maitland, Florida

Mark John MurphyParadise Valley, Arizona

James Blanton Moss III

Clovis, New Mexico

Norene Jeanne Norris

El Cajon, California


A\ ifi

Isobel Aysha MuhiudeenNew Orleans, Louisiana

Victoria Fay NorwoodCopperhill, Tennessee

David Freeman O'Donnell

Las Vegas, NevadaThomas Patrick O'Shea

Naugatuck, Connecticutt

Brett Thomas Parkinson

Indio, California


T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (75)

Henry Perez

Fort Lauderdde, Florida

Eugene Gabriel Pontecorvo

New Orleans, Louisiana

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Scott Lawrence Portnoy

Metuchen. New Jersey

Irene Mary Prechter

New Orleans, Louisiana

Phillip James Proctor

Washington D.C.

Brock Davis Ridenour

Mount Vernon, New York


T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (76)

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Addie Hilda Robinson

New Orleans, Louisiana

Kermie Lenard Robinson

New Orleans, Louisiana

John George RoheimNew Orleans, Louisiana

Richard Andrew Schaefer

Saint Petersburg, Florida

Jerrold Alan Schermer

Ladue, Missouri

Stefanie Alida Schultis

New Orleans, Louisiana


T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (77)

Douglas Shenson

Los Angeles, California

Susannah Allan Sherry

Cambridge, Massachusetts

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Diane Lorant Silberman

Scottsdale, Arizona

Christopher Colton Silliman

Wilmington, Delaware

Peter Wynhoven Simoneaux

New Orleans, Louisiana


T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (78)


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Geoffrey Holt Smallwood

Corona Del Mar, California

Sharisse Ann Stricat

Apple Valley, California

Sheiyl Sutton Smith John Carter Smulian

Park Forest, Illinois Atlanta, Georgia

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Katherine Lucy SwanBeverly Hills, California

Peter Provosty Taillac

Little Rock, Arkansas

Jimmy Mark Tamai

Oxnard, California


T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (79)

fi rl'me Mariko Tsuchiya

San Francisco, California

William Joseph Utz

Olnnstcad, Minnesota

Joanne Maria Vitanza

New Brunswick, New Jersey


John H. Walker

New Orleans, Louisiana

Gary David Wasserman

North Bellmore, New York

Donna Smith Waters

Jefferson. Louisiana


T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (80)

David Lee Watson

Aurora, Colorado

Henry Sindos Wicker, Jr.

Washington, D.C.

David Lawrence WeaverMetairie, Louisiana

Kirsti Ilona WengBerkeley, California

John Edward Willard

Kenner, Louisiana

James Barton Williams

Jackson, Tennessee


T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (81)

Adrian Williamson III

Little Rock, Arkansas

Joel Warren Winer

Niskayuna, New York

Richard David Zorowitz

Hills Dale. New Jersey


T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (82)

T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (83)

T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (84)

Student Advisory Board To Admissions

Tours Committee

Scott L. Portnoy

Jay A. Binder

Michael Basnight

Housing Committee

Arlene Jacobs

Laura Kay

Cliristian Medical Society


Emily H. Hungerford

Kathleen Eggert

Jay A. Binder

John Geisel

Nan HeardBarney Mclntire

Norene Norris

Martha Tucker Brou

Greetings Committee

Jorge Martinez



Owl Club Phi Chi

Victoria Norwood, President

Patrick Cobb, Class Coordinator

Karen Crabtree

Samuel HopperJohn Melton

David Miner

Norene Norris

Bret Parkinson

Laura KayIrene Prechter

Thomas O'Shea, President

David Kahler, Vice President

Richard Schaeffer, Sergeant at Arms

Michael Basnight

Jonathan Degnan

Dick Gulessarian

H. Terry Levine

Jerry Light

John Lindsey

Scott Morrell

Creed Mamikunian

Christopher Silliman

Peter Simoneaux

Adrian Williamson


T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (85)

American Medical Students Association

Stanley Drake, President

Michael Whistler. Treasurer

Donna Cuneo, Servicalis Editor

Mark Townsend, Lost to Follow Up

Michael Basnight

Josephine BrownCharles BrumJonathan L. Cohen

Joy CohenSeth CohenKaren Crabtree

Nestor Dans

Hodges Davis

Jacqueline I. DeCayette

Michael Diaz

Gary Dildy

James Edwards

Kathleen Eggert

Byron Elliott

Robert Enelow

Anne Farash

John Floyd

Steven Freedman

Mark Froimson

Randi Galli

Javier Garcia-Bengochea

Gregory GexJohn Giesel

Clarice Grandpre

Dawn Gunter

Nan HeardBruce Hines

Cathleen Ivy

Kyle KampmanGilo Kawasaki

H. Terry Levine

Jerry Light

Steven Macheers

Creed Mamikunian

Jose Marquez

John Melton

Richard Miles

David Miner

Norene Norris

Victoria NorwoodBret Parkinson

Bowen Parsons

Laura KayEugene Pontecorvo

Irene Prechter

Phillip J. Proctor

John Roheim

Marco Ross

Richard Schaeffer

Douglas Shenson

Susannah Sherry

Diane Lorant Silberman

Peter Simoneaux

John Smulian

Sharisse Stricat

Jimmy Tamai

Gary Trey

A. Mariko Tsuchiya

Joanne Vitanza

John Walker

David Watson

Kirsti WengHenry Wicker

John Willard

Richard Zorowitz


Student National

Medical Association

Gregory Gex. President

Sheryl Sutton-Smith, Secretary

Phillip Proctor. Treasurer

Donna CuneoJacqueline I. DeCayette

Bruce Hines

Kermie Robinson

Jose Marquez

John Walker

Henry Wicker

Rhonda Fisher Kroll


Richard Zorowitz, Musical Director

Stanley Drake

John Giesil

Emily Hungerford

Isobel Muhiudeen

Barbara Wolf Jablow

History Of Medicine Society

Scott Morrell, President

Jorge Martinez. Historian


T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (86)

Class Officers


President: Jay A. Binder

Vice Pres.: Hodges Davis

Treasurer: Norene Norris

Secretary: Isabel



President: Isabel


Vice Pres.: Stephen

HamptonTreasurer: David Miner

Secretary: Marika



President: Stephen

HamptonVice Pres.: Isabel


Treasurer: David Miner

Secretary: Arlene Jacobs


President: Patrick Cobb

Vice Pres.: Laura KayTreasurer: David Miner

Secretary: Terry


Physicians For Social


President: Nancy Blumstein

Karen Crabtree

Robert EnelawDawn Gunter

Ann Johnson Howard

Robert La Greca

Douglas Shenson

Susannah Sherry

Kirsti Weng

Student ExecutiveCommittee

Creed Mamikunian, President

Gregory Gex, Vice President

Peter Simoneaux, Treasurer

Scott Morrell, Secretary

ASB Senators

Peter Simoneaux

Seth CohenArlene Jacobs

Honor Board

Gary Dildy

Nan HeardGilo Kawasaki

Phillip Proctor





T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (87)


T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (88)

Congratulations Class Of 1985

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T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (89)

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T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (90)












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T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (91)

Congratulations to the


Graduating Class




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T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (92)


Class Of 1985From








T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (93)



To The School Of Medicine

Class Of 1985

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T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (94)


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T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (95)

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Congratulations Class Of 1985


T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (96)


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We hope that you will be frequent visitors and learn of the resource of our

Children's Hospital in the New Orleans and Louisiana community.

Congratulations for much happiness and fulfillment in the future.

Children's Hospital


T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (97)




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congratulates the class of



T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (98)

WHERE DO WE G(XName Specialty Location

T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (99)

FROM HERE?Name Specialty Location



T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (100)









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1 1 1 1 1 1 1 !\,^JWe finally made it - we're doctors! 1

can hardly believe it; let's hope our pa-

tients do. For many of us, medical school

has been a "grab-bag" of various emo-

tions and feelings; from the ecstasy of

delivering new life into the world to the

tediousness of defining a rubriblast.

There were periods of great depression

to insurmountable gratification present

with all other feelings in between. It is

these emotions that the T-WAVE staff

has hoped to capture in this, the fourth

edition of the T-WAVE.This book is the culmination of long

hours and good group effort. The sup-

port of our photography editor, Rob Lo-

Greco, throughout the past four years

has been invaluable and is truly appreciat-

ed. His artistic talent in photography is

present throughout the book. The articles

in the book, which I believe to be of

superior quality, are the brainchildren of

Peter Simoneaux. His unparalleled inge-

nuity and creativity were essential, if not

the highlight, of this book. Peter's unique

humor, known to us all, closed many gaps

in the book, giving the "written word" a

continuous flow from describing our ad-

ventures in medical school to making un-

canny interpretations of our photo-

graphs. Along this same vein, Mike Whis-

tler's brand of humor entered the pages

of this book in quite the same way. The

help of Dawn Gunter and Jacqueline De-

Cayette proved to be an invaluable tool in

the production of this book. The year-

book photographers do not escape credit

for without them, we would not have the

remarkable candids taken here. To all mystaff, I thank you.

Bill Hopkins, our publisher's liaison,

played an extremely integral part by pro-

viding moral support, leading numerous

"unscheduled" meetings and having the

answer to any question we could come up

with. Alan Dufour, our photographic de-

veloper cind printer, gave more than he

needed to in the form of many "rush

orders". The entire Rudolf Matas Library

staff was essential to the History section

and was just as enthusiastic about the

yearbook as we were. To these people, I

truly appreciate your help.

I hope that all of you enjoy the T-

WAVE. My request is that as our careers

progress, you open this book from time

to time and reminisce on the good times

and glean what you can from the bad. I

hope that the experiences we all have

had in Charity Hospital (The Big Free)

and in the school itself carry with you

throughout your careers. I pray that the

idealism regarding patient care and rap-

port that we all have hopefully developed

carry us on to be doctors not only in the

medical sense, but in the human sense as

well. I feel that the attitude of "living for

oneself" and the practice of medicine are

not compatible. We have chosen a pro-

fession dedicated to the service of man-

kind and all the ills it suffers, whether self-

imposed or by chance.

1 am regretful, yet honored, to dedi-

cate this edition of the T-WAVE to ChuckWilder. 1 hope that we remember him by

becoming the type of physician he would

have been; kind and compassionate.

Please enjoy this book and 1 wish all of

you the best luck in your medical careers.

H. Terry Levine




T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (101)

T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (102)



T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (103)


T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (104)



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T-Wave [yearbook] 1985 - Tulane University...T-WAVE1985STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H.TerryLevine PHOTOGRAPHYEDITOR RobertLoGreco COPYEDITOR PeterSimoneaux LAYOUTSTAFF JacquelineDeCayette - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Author information

Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.